This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

20th Sitting 16/01/2014

This week we decided to try an extra experiment during our sitting…

Anyone who has studied etheric matter or ectoplasm will know that it is extremely susceptible to the impact of thought both from the spirit operators and circle sitters. Many times in the past ectoplasm has been built into the shape of any thought-form that dominates the minds of the sitters during a séance. This usually happens without them realising they are doing it and they assume it to be the work of the spirit team. With this in mind we decided for the duration of one tune only to try and manipulate the ectoplasm ourselves. We chose the American Indian tune which is quite long and comes on about half-way through the sitting and decided to try and form a cross above the table.

Also the day after last week’s sit Liz found one of the pin-pong balls was missing off the table and found it under a chair. This was probably caused by wind as Liz opened the door as I’m sure we would have heard it bounce or seen it move by the luminous tab had it happened during last week’s sit.
Just to be sure this week we made a note of exactly where each ball was placed on the table and checked they were all still in their places when we put the lights back on after our sit.

As always we started with our Rainbow Bridge Exercise at 8.30pm.

Liz found herself walking barefoot through squelchy grass to the bridge which was shrouded in a dazzling mist and rainbow. As she walked onto the bridge she felt warm rough asphalt under her feet. A woman with wings, like a fairy, flew towards her then became just a woman in a simple duck blue dress with blonde hair coiled in a plat. She was very friendly and allowed Liz to touch her to show she was real. Liz felt like she was reaching out as the woman led her across the bridge. Lots of hands were reaching out to her drawing her on. The other side was just grass and meadow but full of lovely people. It felt like a nursery rhyme scene and the grass now felt dry beneath her feet...

I started on a grassy bank then walked down to the bridge. At first it felt I was still on the bank watching myself walk down to the bridge but I finally found myself there. I had to climb a lot of steps to get on the bridge then saw a slide in front of me which I slid down reaching the middle of the bridge which opened out into a stage. A group of female ballet dancers were spinning round on the stage while swans swam past on the lake below. Then the ballet dancers took off flying around above me. All I could see on the other side were trees with flashing pin prick lights between them. One of the ballet dancers came down reaching out her hand to pull me back up the slide so I could return to my side…

I did the opening prayer including a reminder to the spirit team that we would be doing our experiment during the American Indian tune.

I put the music back on.

I was feeling light headed and I kept seeing dim flashes in the room.
Liz saw wispy bits moving around over the table.
She saw blobs in the room and felt a cool breeze from her right.
I felt a fuzzy feeling on my right arm.

Liz felt a gentle tugging on her hair from the right.
I was warm but it was getting cold round my legs.
I could see a kind of moving fog to my sides and it was dark but blobby in front of me.
Liz had a drawing/tingling feeling on the front of her scalp as if her hair was being gently pulled again.

I felt a tingle on the back of my left leg then I felt three feathery touches across the back of the forefinger on my right hand.
The room looked light to me.

Liz saw lights in the middle of the room which changed into a misty form.
I could see a few wispy bits in the middle of the room as well as a line coming down from the ceiling.
Then it looked like smoke coming up from the table in waves which we both saw.

I had some tickles in my hair behind my right ear.
The room looked light and misty to me.

Liz was now seeing what she described as a geometric structure in the middle of the room which had a bluish light under it.
I couldn’t see this but I did see lots of white wispy bits swirling around in the middle of the room.

The room now looked darker to me.

Liz was getting lots of cool breezes and felt like a stream of energy was coming towards her.
She saw a flash near the ceiling.

I now felt very cold especially down my right side.
I also was aware of a glow to my right and felt a friend was standing there.

We both picked up a strong smell. Liz likened it to matches. I thought it was more like the ozone smell you get after a rain shower. Liz agreed.
We both couldn’t stop yawning.
The room was looking sparkly to me.
Liz saw bluish misty forms moving near the table.

I felt a pressure around my right ear and heard a faint crackling sound near it.
Liz felt cobwebs over her head.

It was time for our experiment as the American Indian tune came on.
We both fixed our gaze just above the table and tried to manipulate the ectoplasm into the shape of a cross.

After a few seconds I began seeing a few wispy bits.
Then I saw diagonal lines and pin-prick lights.
Next I saw a big yellow blob build up which looked like it was made up of fibres, a bit like fibre-glass matting.
Liz hadn’t seen anything up to this point but now saw what she described as yellowy cotton wool.
She was very hot and felt a strong drawing from her solar plexus.
The tune ended before either of us saw anything like a cross.

Despite this it had been an interesting experiment and obviously something was happening.
Liz summed up the experiment…

‘At least we’ve discovered that we’re not very good at making a cross… So if one suddenly appears it may very well not be us!!!’

I was now seeing diagonal lines from my top left to bottom right field of vision.
Liz saw them as well.

I got the feeling the table was going down as if I was levitating but my feet were still firmly on the floor.
I felt tickles on the back of my head and on my nose.

We both reported the ozone smell again.

Liz then described a blue plume going from bottom right to top left of her field of vision, like a bushy tail.
She felt something in her hair.
I was very cold.

I drifted off a bit during the penultimate tune.
I thought I heard somebody say that they had seen the cross. Then I had a vision of a beautifully crafted shiny black marble cross. It then faded to be replaced by two branches held together with string making another somewhat basic cross.

We both thought the room had gone uniformly black apart from the luminous tabs on the table that shone out like stars as the last tune played.
Then Liz saw some red blotches above the table.
I felt something in my hair.

The last tune came to an end.

Liz did the healing exercise followed by the closing prayer then the closing exercise for us both.

I put the red light on and checked the position of the balls and everything on the table which was how we had left it.

A good evening with plenty of phenomena reported from start to finish…